Energy-Efficient, Cost-Effective Fume Cupboard Systems – Lab Innovations UK
Clean Air Limited




Clean Air has an ongoing R&D programme to continuously improve the energy-saving technology in our fume cupboards and extract systems. We are the only company in the UK to use CFD in our designs to improve containment, safety, and energy efficiency.

Our fume cupboard energy-saving technology can help you to cut your costs and reduce your environmental impact, all without compromising on performance. In addition, our energy-efficient systems can help you to keep your staff safe and enhance their working environment.

VAV fume cupboards feature energy-saving technology to reduce the volume of air taken from the fume cupboard. With VAV control, the amount of airflow through the space is varied to suit flow demand or to maintain environmental conditions.

VAV systems ensure a constant face velocity regardless of sash position. This protects operators from potentially hazardous fumes and substances.
Energy-efficient VAV units are cost-effective. They can reduce energy costs by up to 70% or greater. With the year-on-year energy cost savings, the payback of the fume cupboards is substantially accelerated.
Less energy = less carbon. A VAV system can help meet carbon reduction targets and can contribute towards a building achieving a ‘Very Good’, ‘Excellent’ or ‘Outstanding’ BREEAM rating.
Extracting a lower volume of air stabilises the ambient temperature within the lab, making for a more pleasant working environment with potentially less noise.

Clean Air recommends VAV fume cupboards are fitted with an auto sash controller to maximise the benefits of VAV technology. The controller monitors the position of the sash and automatically closes it when not in use. These two controls in combination will reduce energy costs dramatically.

Clean Air’s expert team will guide you to the system that best suits your requirements. Just speak to our friendly team to discuss our energy-saving technology options.

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