ERACOUNT XS is the smallest and fastest field particle counter. At the push of a button, the laser-based analyser measures and displays the ISO 4406 particle size channels ≥ 4 µm(c), ≥ 6 µm(c) and ≥ 14 µm(c) – all within 60 seconds using only 10 mL of sample. ERACOUNT XS counts particles in eight channels when connected to one of eralytics’ other OCM analyzers.
ERACOUNT XS is the analyzer of choice for fast particle measurements with lab grade precision directly in the field. Initial failures in hydraulic and lubricating oil systems lead to the early appearance of big particles. ERACOUNT XS easily detects every particle that passes the sensor. The full performance of this laser-based particle counter is achieved by operating it connected to another eralytics analyzer, like the kinematic viscometer eravisc X or the FTIR spectrometer eraspec oil.