SPECTROCUBE – Lab Innovations UK





SPECTROCUBE – the high-throughput answer for precious metals analysis
Testing centers, hallmarking and assay offices, and jewelry makers must establish the precise value of the materials they handle. So their analytical instruments must determine exactly what elements — gold or silver; platinum or palladium; nickel, copper, zinc, or more — are present in a given precious metal sample or piece of jewelry, and at what concentration levels. These highvolume operations also demand reliable analysis that’s simple and quick. Short measurement intervals, effortless workflow via intuitive software, and low downtime are vital. And given
these metals’ high values, nondestructive testing is a must.
SPECTROCUBE – For Fueland Lube Oil Testing
Refineries, lubrication oil blending plants, independent testing laboratories, and regulatory agencies worldwide demand fast, easy,
accurate, affordable analysis for petroleum refining and petrochemical products. The new SPECTROCUBE benchtop XRF analyzer fulfills all these requirements, and more. For example, users must swiftly verify that gas, diesel, or other fuels meet specified limits for sulfur (S) content. SPECTROCUBE minimizes delays — ensuring the fastest possible turnaround times from sample taking to analysis results. It can analyze a sample in half the time of other spectrometers, with comparable precision! Or with longer measurement intervals, it offers the best detection limits in its class. In lube oil testing, SPECTROCUBE provides exceptional ease of use — even for inexperienced users — using a single simple method for the analysis of various oil types. And it easily analyzes trace elements in used oils. It also furnishes advanced performance for a host of other petrochemical applications. For instance, it efficiently tests crude oils for concentrations of sulfur (S), nickel (Ni), vanadium (V), and iron (Fe).

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