Researchers at the University of Sheffield, in collaboration with the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC), have developed the Tasty Spoon, a groundbreaking tool aimed at helping dementia patients regain their sense of taste. Loss of taste is a common and distressing symptom of dementia, often leading to poor nutrition and increased risks of health issues such as heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease. The Tasty Spoon uses electrostimulation to help patients distinguish between different flavours, potentially restoring the pleasure of eating and significantly improving their quality of life.
Funded by the Alzheimer’s Society through its Accelerator Programme, the Tasty Spoon is still in the prototype stage, but it holds great promise for enhancing the well-being of those living with dementia. By addressing taste-related challenges, this innovative tool could support better health outcomes, reduce the burden of treating nutrition-related side effects, and ultimately improve the lives of patients who face the daily struggles of dementia.
Read the full story here.