Pomegranate Substance Improves Alzheimer’s Symptoms in Mice - Lab Innovations UK

Pomegranate Substance Improves Alzheimer’s Symptoms in Mice

New research from the University of Copenhagen shows that a naturally occurring substance in pomegranates and strawberries can help improve memory and aid in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

The specific molecule, called nicotinamide riboside (NAD supplement), can play a key role in positively influencing neurodivergent diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. This is because it actively helps remove the damaged mitochondria from the brain. The substance urolithin A (found in pomegranates) has also been found to be just as effective as the NAD supplement.

Vilhelm Bohr states, “Many patients with neurodegenerative diseases experience mitochondrial dysfunction, also known as mitophagy. This means that the brain has difficulties removing weak mitochondria, which thus accumulate and affect brain function. If you are able to stimulate the mitophagy process, removing weak mitochondria, you will see some very positive results.”

The team hopes in the future to investigate how much urolithin A is needed to improve symptoms, as well as significant side effects and how to consume it.

Read the full story here


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